I am Tim, I started up Little Devon Furniture Company back in late 2015. My whole aim at the beginning was to create beautiful furniture that was affordable for people. That seems now in 2023, even more important than back then. Growing up in Devon, I have always been in touch with the outdoor world, whether that is my hobbies or just an awareness of looking after our planet in terms of every day life. I wanted to create furniture that used reclaimed materials so as to reduce our waste creation.
Come and see where we work and build your furniture, this video made recently shows off perfectly what we are about.

Ethos and Beliefs
This belief was crucial to the ethos of LDFC from the start, and lives through to this day. Every job we go and do, or every piece of furniture that is created is done so creating least amount of waste possible. Whether that is off cuts then being used as kindling for the local community or the metal end bands being recycled, to the collection of rain water for cleaning the office. All these little things add up to confirm what we are trying to do. Is everything perfect, certainly not but we are trying to get there day by day.

Outside of LDFC
If I am not in the workshop then, I will most likely be here, running, climbing and having adventures with the family and friends.
My passions for the outdoor world continue in adventure ultra running, locally on Dartmoor National Park and then further afield to Snowdonia, Europe and the Alps and more recently I have taken to running around the perimeters of different Mediterranean island, and my all time favourite place in the world Scotland.

Flint Family
Keeping my sane is my wife, Becky and two awesome children who are 9 and 12 at present and bring joy to our lives with their endless enthusiasm for life and need to adventure.
Living in Devon is just the best, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.