Environmental Awareness at Little Devon Furniture Company

Environmental Awareness at Little Devon Furniture Company

‘The Environment and how we influence it’
We are constantly thinking about the environment in everything we do here at LDFC. It’s embedded in our ethos, it shapes how we work and streamlines the designs of furniture we build.
So with this in mind thought it would be good to share what we do on a daily basis taking into account the environment. Some of these things will be small and easy to do, others not so.
But here you go and hope you enjoy the posts and even take some of these into your daily lives just to make the place we live last that bit longer and be even nicer.
Part 1: Water
Collect and reuse water for the following tasks:
Cleaning windows.
Cleaning off the wood we use
Mopping the floor
Part 2: Wood.
Wood is obviously a key part of what we do here. From choosing the right wood, collecting it and building from it, and then using leftovers.
We collect all our wood from within 15miles of HQ. We know where it has come from and so pass on that information to our customers so they know really the journey that their furniture has been on.
We sell kindling with all of off-cuts to the local community.
We always are thinking and working out which ways to minimise wastage on the lengths of timber we get. Trust me my brain works over time is trying to do this!!
Below are a few ways we use our wood and reduce our wastage.
Part 3: Energy
Back to the sustainability focus this week. Looking at energy and how we consume it as a business. All these small things adding up to make life better we hope!
We are luck enough to be able to use a large amount of the energy in the workshop by solar panels, how much I do not know exactly but the roof is covered in them!!
We work outside and without lights wherever possible so as to use natural lighting. Any offcuts of wood we use in our home on the fire to warm the house.
Part 4: Transport
This is going to become even more of an integral part of our business as we move over so an e-commerce store so we are always looking at ways to minimise our use of transport, or certainly streamline it where possible.
What we do to thats positive for using transport less:
Booking couriers to come and collect items in bulk (max 2 days a week) as opposed to daily collections.
Driving to the workshop when only necessary and maximising time there.
I can not walk up to the workshop as I take tools with me each day so a drive is a must.
Ordering materials, table legs, wax finishes and any other materials in bulk so to minimise deliveries to our rural location.